A bad back is a very common reason for consultation. It may concern cervicaldynia, dorsalgia and lumbago acute or chronic.
Renowned as the "evil of the century", back pain is very common and disabling.
A sedentary lifestyle, stress, occupational sitting, driving, obesity and certain spinal malformations are the main risk factors.
Several conditions can lead to back pain from disc disease with simple muscle spasm to herniated discs and / or narrowed canals.
A complete clinical examination should be conducted to assess the degree of discomfort.
Complete and diverse paraclinical examinations are essential to establish the correct diagnosis.
Medical treatment solves the problem. It is based on:
- Medical treatment.
- Rest.
- Rehabilitation.
- Infiltration.
If intolerable, persistence of pain or neurological deficit signs, surgery is indicated depending on the problem identified by radiological investigations. Several techniques are possible; the choice of method adopted must be rigorous.
With current techniques, resumption of activities is quick under a careful and rigorous rehabilitation protocol. Muscle toning and postural work are necessary and guarantee a good recovery.